Swedish Massage
This form of massage uses light pressure techniques to induce total relaxation. Swedish massage alleviates stress; increases flexibility; increases blood and lymph circulation. Swedish massage is a whole body massage using lotion on the skin to facilitate treatment.
Therapeutic Massage
This massage uses moderate pressure focusing on specific complaints. Therapeutic Massage through assessment and treatment promotes structural (muscular and postural) changes in the body; alleviates pain; improves range of motion, restores balance
Improves hip pain, lower back pain, sciatic symptoms, frozen shoulder symptoms, rotator cuff injury, piriformis syndrome, torticollis, whiplash, headaches, overuse syndrome, and other symptoms due to injury, overuse or compensatory patterns felt in the body.
Deep Tissue
This massage works through the superficial (first layer) muscles to the deeper muscles of the body to work on tight areas to release specific muscle tension and restore flexibility. Deep-Tissue Massage uses deeper pressure and cross-fiber friction. This technique goes deeper into the muscle and connective tissue to release chronic tension which might have developed from injury or overuse.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage uses light pressure to reduce pain and relieve soreness; assists in lower back pain, reduces swelling and water retention, and sciatica symptoms.
Prenatal massage is beneficial for relieving stress on the mother’s body which is already working hard preparing for the baby. Prenatal massage creates a nurturing stress free environment and reduces recovery time after birth.
Post-Natal Massage
Massage for post-natal improves recovery time; helping to relieve the stress and overall soreness after birth; invoking deep relaxation and healing in the body.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is a special form of massage that is typically used before, during and after athletic events; however it can also be used to treat persistent troublesome areas. Relieves muscle stress due to over-use and fatigue, moderate to deep pressure. Trigger and tender point therapy.
Chair Massage
This massage is performed in a massage chair while seated. Chair massage provides fast relief, concentrating on back, neck, shoulders, arms and hands.